The traditional social and business dynamism, in some cases, still maintains some immediatism trades related to profits and growing. Somehow, to provide business that are tangled with the social responsibility is a new vision on the corporative world and it is invading the minds and offices around the world.
Considering the statistics, natural disasters and the lack of basic resources in the Planet, it is necessary a collective preservation force. The entrepreneurial strength moves the world richness and the look to sustainability in small niches and actions, when added to other initiatives and strategies, it turns into a collaboration and global impact net.
We, from MyWaste, decided to work in favor of the environment, cooperating so that the waste management organizations make more transparent their collection, storage and discard processes. After all, in the Planet it does not exist out.
How do we do that?
MyWaste platform makes possible to visualize, track back and prove that the waste is correctly destinated in our country, through the data collection transparency. Besides the contribution with the environment, we look forward to presenting the real waste process and shipping, consequently, supporting a great example of how to realize and strengthen a cause for the future generation’s maintenance.
Innumerous countries have already adopted more sustainable ways of transportation, they search the green energy to flourish hope to our environment, opting for diminishing the use of fossil fuel, to minimize the environmental impact of their activities, as well as the costs that these fuels demand on their business management. Thereby, we search for the optimization of the routes to contribute with the reduction of fuel consumption and with the vehicle maintenance waste, with an automatized management of route reduction, guarantying the fuel economy and the travel time. Besides, it is reduced the pollutant gas emission in the atmosphere generated by automotive vehicles.
Obtaining transparency in the waste generation management in the companies result in innumerous benefits to all the business chain and the community. Thinking about that, MyWaste developed personalized indicators according to each module to have the control of the waste generation and reduction, providing a diminish on the collection costs, offering the shipping and destination in an appropriate place. Towards these actions, the companies can walk a path environmentally correct, because they will be supported and protected by penalties of the current legislation. Our platform works together with the company for the transparency on the certificates and legal conformities, guarantying, many times, the businessmen sleep.
It is clear that the environment needs protection and preservation, as well as all the natural cycle, but the nature will not be able to rebuild by itself, that is why we are participative on this big mission. Eliminating waste and reduce waste is a habit from MyWaste.
Facing it, we exercise our proposal through our platforms, permitting the demonstration of the waste traceability, even after their final disposal, parallel to, contributing, though, with the evidence to the inspection organs.
We offer a service and a mission that satisfies our customers and preserves our planet for the future generations. We worry about the future and that is why we work for the environmental management, which has resources for our survival.
Which actions does your company practice to give a better future for the future generations?
Get together with us on this movement! Make part of MyWaste customers that change the future of the environmental management of the Planet.