How many reports about waste management do you have to emit to your customers every month? Have you ever stopped to calculate how much time does it take to compile the information and generate these reports? Are the information easy to access, secure and trustful? Where are they nowadays?
We know that the routine of a manager in a company that collects, transports and disposes the waste is really fast and dynamic. After all, there are many tasks that need to be aligned and well managed to guarantee the good development of the company and the customers’ satisfaction.
The flow and the quantity of daily information that need to be managed deserve the right attention and the certainty that they are secure, because they can affect directly the development of the company and to cause some damage if they are not well managed.
To help on these and on other questions, the technology has been becoming popular between the waste carriers of all sizes. MyWaste has a software with integrated app developed specifically to help the companies that do the collection, the transportation and the waste final disposal.
Nowadays, it is more and more necessary to be transparent to maintain a loyal relation with the customers. Through MyWaste, besides being possible to manage the information about the collected and disposed waste, you can provide a better transparency for your customers supplying the access to the software so that they can check important information about their collection and have access to the main reports.
The software also shows functionalities capable of sending automatic emails to the customers to inform when the collection will be and also sends emails after the collection realization, with information about the kind of collected waste, quantity, date and time of collection.
Only with the help of a specialized tool, all the chain of collection, transportation and waste disposal can be managed more securely and assertively. Guaranteeing, though, the total traceability and transparency regarding the waste management to environmental organs and customers.