The packaging logistics that a waste transportation company needs to realize, in order to supply the demand of all the customers, needs to be assertive and efficient.
The packaging, like boxes, trash cans and containers, for example, are items that make part of the company’s patrimony and the registration and the control of these materials that are provided, whether in lending or not for the customers, need to be done in a way to avoid deviations, losses and, consequently, damages to the company.
MyWaste, besides helping your company in the collected and disposed waste management, permits to realize the flow control of the company’s packaging.
For each generated route in MyWaste, it is possible to visualize the quantity of packaging that each customer has, so that the company prepares the exit of the vehicles with the necessary packaging and in enough quantities to attend the route customers.
In the moment of the collection in the customer, through MyWaste app, the field teams can register the existing, provided and the collected packaging in the customers, as well as registering the photographical evidences of them.
In the end of a route, when the vehicle returns to the company’s headquarter, it is possible to check how many packaging were loaded to the route, how many were provided to customers and how many returned back.
So, the company has all the packaging logistics control that are carried to routes, provided and collected from the customer, eliminating, though, the manual control in spreadsheets and reworks.