The Waste Transportation Manifest (Manifesto de Transporte de Resíduos – MTR, in Portuguese) is a numbered document that serves to control the expedition, the transportation and the receiving of the waste in the unit of final disposal.
In Rio Grande do Sul, the MTR is emitted by the system MTR ONLINE through the FEPAM website and it is up to the generator to proceed with the emission of it, besides, a printed page of the MTR obligatorily has to accompany the solid waste transportation, and the transporter has to always present the MTR document to the inspection agents when they ask and the sender has to proceed with the download of the received MTR, as well as to emit the Final Disposal Certificate (Certificado de Destinação Final – CDF, in Portuguese) from the waste received.
For an MTR emission through the MTR ONLINE system, it is necessary that all the involved people (generator, conveyor and sender) have their registration in the respective system. If one of the involved ones is not registered in the system, this person must access the system and proceed with the registration so that, after, the MTR can be emitted.
Some waste do not need to be declared in the MTR ONLINE system, they are:
- Used plastic packaging from post-consumer lubricating oils;
- Used lubricating oils;
- Returnable packaging to the manufacturer of the packaged product, returnable type packaging for refills;
- Waste resulting from emergency situations.
It is an obligation to declare the waste in the MTR ONLINE the following businesses:
- Generators that have waste that needs to be disposed in an environmentally corrected way;
- Businesses that provide the selection and classification of recyclable waste (scrap dealers, street collectors, etc.);
- Waste from household sewage.